The future of agriculture and forestry – Available now in the Balkan languages

The future of agriculture and forestry – Available now in the Balkan languages


© EU-OSHA / Emmanuel Biard

Agriculture and forestry have one of the highest accident rates in Europe, with a high level of hazards affecting the sustainability and viability of the sectors.

Pesticide-related risks, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), skin cancer, and stress and psychosocial issues are all significant emerging risks in the sector that have not been adequately managed or underestimated due to a lack of accurate data over the years.

Our publications on the future of agriculture and forestry explore the sector’s main safety challenges and take a closer look at the OSH risks affecting farmers and foresters.

Available now in Albanian, Bosnian, Serbian-Bosnian, Macedonian, Montenegrin and Serbian languages.

Summary – The future of agriculture and forestry: implications for managing worker safety and health

Agriculture and forestry: a sector with serious occupational safety and health challenges