Pentagon may send troops to assist with vaccines, enlarging federal role

Pentagon may send troops to assist with vaccines, enlarging federal role

Fri, 01/29/2021 – 11:00

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is trying to establish approximately 100 COVID-19 vaccination sites nationwide as early as next month, and has requested the Department of Defense (DOD) to send active-duty troops to support these centers. State governments would need to approve any vaccination centers as well as the use of troops. Max Rose, senior adviser for COVID-19 for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, says DOD officials would review FEMA’s request carefully. DOD press secretary John F. Kirby says: “We are obviously going to source this request. I would say we are talking days, certainly not weeks, to get this sourced,” adding the request would most likely be filled with thousands more National Guard, reserve, and active-duty troops. FEMA has already told six states, two territories, and Washington, DC, that it would spend $1 billion on vaccine measures, including community vaccination sites. Meanwhile, the Biden administration says it will reimburse states for 100% of their National Guard costs associated with coronavirus relief, including support needed to distribute and administer vaccines, through the end of September. Previously, states were being reimbursed at 75% of these costs.