Physical activity could save 10 000 lives per year

Physical activity could save 10 000 lives per year


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‘If everyone in the EU were to meet WHO recommended levels of physical activity, it could prevent more than 10 000 premature deaths each year” a new WHO/OECD report says.

According to the publication, increasing physical activity to the minimum recommended levels in the EU would prevent 11.5 million new cases of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) by 2050, including 3.8 million cases of cardiovascular diseases, 3.5 million cases of depression, nearly 1 million cases of type 2 diabetes and more than 400 000 cases of different cancers.

In addition, the report presents calculated potential economic benefits of increased physical activity in purchasing power parities (PPPs) – the rates of currency conversion that try to equalize the purchasing power of different currencies, by eliminating the differences in price levels between countries.

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