WORK4CE project – training week

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WORK4CE project – training week

Event Details



WORK4CE and the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV/EHU)



This WORK4CE project as part of the WORK4CE programme under ERASMUS develops standards and learning materials for cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work (CDHS) by creating industry-university communities for the development, delivery and dissemination of relevant topics. This project addresses the need for competences, standards, learning materials and didactic formats, which are important in the new Work4.0 environment.

During the first week of March this year, a series of training sessions for consortium members will take place in Bilbao under the “Train the trainer Week”

As part of their training providers, EU-OSHA  will present the resources and tools it provides to its different range of stakeholders: from the websites, social media actions, media actions to the OSH barometer project, presenting ESENER’s data visualisation tool, OiRA, FAST project etc. etc. One of the objectives of the WORK4CE is to include OSH in the academic programme.

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