Pangea Biomed’s ENLIGHT-DP Predicts Cancer Treatment Response from Simple Scans

What You Should Know: 

Pangea Biomed, a leader in precision oncology, announced a significant breakthrough in its ENLIGHT cancer response predictor. A new study published in Nature Cancer demonstrates the effectiveness of their ENLIGHT-DP platform, revealing its ability to predict cancer treatment response across various types and drugs using only routine pathology slides.

– While these findings are promising, further validation and testing are planned for regulatory approval.

Challenges in Personalized Cancer Treatment

Current methods for predicting cancer treatment response from tissue samples often require large datasets of matched images and treatment outcomes for each specific drug. This data scarcity limits their applicability and generalizability.

ENLIGHT-DP: A Versatile Solution

The ENLIGHT-DP method tackles these limitations with a two-step approach:

  1. DeepPT: This deep learning technology predicts gene expression from standard H&E stained pathology slides.
  2. ENLIGHT: This utilizes the inferred gene expression data to predict patient response to specific treatments.

Key Advantages of ENLIGHT-DP

  • Bypasses Data Limitations: ENLIGHT-DP eliminates the need for extensive, drug-specific training data, making it broadly applicable.
  • Improved Accuracy: Studies show the odds of a successful treatment response more than doubled using ENLIGHT-DP recommendations (odds ratio: 2.28).
  • Wider Applicability: The method works across various cancers and treatment options, potentially transforming clinical practices.

“ENLIGHT-DP bypasses the data availability limitations that hinder existing approaches by eliminating the need for dedicated training on new cohorts for each drug treatment,” said Ranit Aharonov, Pangea’s CTO, who co-led the study. “This versatile solution can be applied across various cancer types and therapies, potentially transforming clinical practices and significantly improving patient outcomes.”