3 takeaways from CCC23 to improve payment integrity

The 2023 Cotiviti Client Conference (CCC23) held earlier this month in San Diego brought together more than 120 health plan leaders to share ideas for improving the quality and sustainability of healthcare delivery in the United States. With the theme of “collaborating for success,” attendees discussed critical topics ranging from how the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency will impact Medicaid members to the use of artificial intelligence and natural language processing in a wide array of healthcare applications. The event served as a forum to share challenges and success stories in driving incremental improvement in our healthcare system.

In payment integrity specifically, health plan leaders discussed topics including how to improve inpatient claim reviews; prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in emerging areas such as genetic testing; and driving more targeted medical chart selection for better efficiency and lower provider abrasion. Here are three major takeaways from the conference aimed at improving payment integrity without negatively impacting either the provider or member experience.