BrightInsight, Google Cloud to Enhance Patient Experience with Generative AI

What You Should Know: 

BrightInsight, Inc., a provider of compliant digital health solutions, today announced its collaboration with Google Cloud to leverage cutting-edge generative AI (gen AI) technology

– The enhanced partnership aims to optimize BrightInsight’s research and development efforts and significantly enhance its Disease Management Solution for both patients and healthcare providers.

Addressing Challenges in the Patient Journey

Across various therapeutic areas, patients often face hurdles throughout their treatment journey. These challenges include navigating access and financial barriers, transitioning between treatment options, managing complex treatment schedules, and tracking symptoms and treatment effectiveness.

Improving Patient Education and Support with AI

BrightInsight is tackling these challenges head-on by integrating Google Cloud’s Gemini and MedLM gen AI models within its Disease Management Solution. This integration offers several key benefits:

  • AI-powered Chatbot: A chatbot powered by Gemini provides patients with improved access to approved educational content. Patients can receive immediate answers to their questions by leveraging a vast library of clinically validated information, eliminating the need to search through multiple documents.
  • Enhanced Patient Support: The chatbot also serves as a first-line support system, offering quick and specific answers to patient inquiries regarding app usage.

Optimizing BrightInsight’s Internal Operations

BrightInsight is also utilizing Gemini Code Assist to streamline its internal R&D processes in three ways:

  • Developing and Operating Google Cloud Components: Gemini Code Assist helps BrightInsight’s development team work more efficiently when building and managing Google Cloud components.
  • Improved Troubleshooting: The technology assists in troubleshooting issues more effectively, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Enhanced Analytics and Insights: By leveraging gen AI, BrightInsight can generate more insightful data analytics for its customers.

Leveraging MedLM for Improved Patient Data Management

Furthermore, BrightInsight is utilizing MedLM to summarize, analyze, and make patient data from companion apps more usable for clinicians. This allows for more impactful and data-driven conversations between patients and providers. For example, healthcare professionals can quickly identify missed medication doses or abnormal readings, enabling them to have focused discussions with their patients.

Prioritizing Security and Compliance

As BrightInsight advances its gen AI-based solutions, the company remains steadfastly committed to responsible implementation. Their platform and Disease Management Solution adhere to the highest security, privacy, and compliance standards, achieving certifications against global regulations. The integration of AI will follow the same rigorous approach, ensuring patient data protection.

“We have invested a lot in building best-in-class technology and hiring top engineering talent,” said Ashish Agrawal, chief technology officer, BrightInsight. “Partnering with Google Cloud and leveraging its AI technologies will enable BrightInsight to supercharge its solutions to achieve our vision of transforming patient outcomes through digital technologies.”