Dr. Vivek Lal, Founder & CEO at ResBiotic Shares Insights from the New Preclinical Data for resB Lung Support Presented at DDW 2022


Dr. Vivek talked about the results from the preclinical study of its probiotic and herbal supplement for lung health in a poster presented at DDW 2022
He also spoke about how resB helps to decrease MMP-9 inflammatory pathway activity, associated with tissue damage and neutrophilic inflammation
The interview provides a deep understanding of Resbiotic’s vision of lung health & highlights a vital role in the lung, digestion, and immune function

Smriti: Explain the details (MOA, ROA, formulations, etc.) of resB.

Vivek Lal: resB™ Lung Support is the first science-backed probiotic and herbal supplement for lung health. Development began at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where my Pulmonary Microbiome Lab collaborated with Dr. Amit Gagger’s Lung Protease and Matrix Biology Lab to identify the precise molecular pathways involved in lung inflammation and how the microbiome regulates these pathways. Our study of the gut-lung axis – the bidirectional interactions between gut and lungs at both physical and chemical levels – led us to develop resB Lung Support. 

resB Lung Support is a unique formulation of clinically studied probiotic strains (L. plantarum RSB11, L. acidophilus RSB12, and L. rhamnosus RSB13) and bioactive botanical extracts (turmeric root, vasaka leaf, and holy basil), optimized through extensive in vitro and in vivo studies. The blend is encapsulated in a stomach-acid-resistant, vegan capsule to ensure it reaches its intended destination in your gut. For optimal results, it is best to take one capsule twice a day.

Smriti: Tell us about the key findings of the preclinical study of resB.

Vivek Lal: Preclinical studies of resB Lung support showed that the probiotic supplement works effectively against key inflammatory markers in the gut and lungs and can ultimately support lung structure and function. These findings are essential in demonstrating our mechanism of action, the gut-lung axis, and our lung health benefits. 

Smriti: Please tell us about the main highlight of the poster that was presented at the digestive disease week.

Vivek Lal: Our poster presentation at Digestive Disease Week highlighted both in vitro and in vivo data from our preclinical research. Our in vitro data showed a reduction of MMP-9 inflammatory pathway activity in both gut and lung tissue associated with the application of the resB Lung Support blend. In in vivo lung injury models, oral resB administration was shown to preserve lung structure and reduce markers of neutrophilic inflammation. 

Smriti: Can you please educate and enlighten our readers on what is the difference between microbiome-based drugs and other biologics?

Vivek Lal: Microbiome-based drugs utilize live bacteria (live biotherapeutic products or LBPs) to prevent or treat specific disease conditions. Our sister company, Alvelous Bio, is developing inhaled LBPs to treat specific chronic lung diseases such as COPD, BPD, and viral illnesses.

Smriti: resB is positively affecting lung structure and function. Are there any other areas where resB can be expected to work well (predictive analysis)?

Vivek Lal: Absolutely. While we’ve focused primarily on respiratory endpoints, there is a great deal of research to support resB as a holistic health supplement with benefits beyond lung support. The probiotic bacteria in resB have been clinically studied for their benefits to digestion and immune response. Additionally, the three botanical extracts have been recognized for their immune supportive properties. Specifically, turmeric has numerous studies supporting its use as a natural anti-inflammatory. Holy basil is known for its antioxidant and adaptogenic properties. More recently, the ayurvedic herb vasaka leaf made its way to the microscope and is being looked at for its bronchodilatory effects.

We’re also conducting clinical studies of resB Lung Support. I’m excited to soon share the results of our first trial because we tracked everything from short-chain fatty acid levels to shortness of breath. We have years of science to support how resB Lung Support works at a physical and biochemical level, but what’s really exciting is to see it improve people’s quality of life.

Smriti: Is your company planning to or working on another product? Can we discuss this in detail?

Vivek Lal: resB Lung Support is just the beginning. Our research and development team is rigorously developing and testing a number of other formulations in our product pipeline. As a dual-board certified pediatrician and neonatologist, I’m particularly excited about the products we’re developing for infants and kids. These formulas combine clinically studied probiotic bacteria strains with other key nutrients to set the foundation for overall health and immunity during those critical years of development.

Smriti: Are you looking for future collaboration for further development of resB?

Vivek Lal: We’re always interested in collaborating with physician-scientists on investigator-led clinical trials, not only for resB Lung Support but for our whole product pipeline. To connect with our team, interested researchers can email partner@resbiotic.com and visit www.resbiotic.com to learn more.

Source: Canva

About the Author:

Dr. Vivek Lal is the Founder & CEO of ResBiotic with 20+ years of experience in lung research, clinical management, and healthcare entrepreneurship. He completed his clinical and research training at the University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He has authored over 100 original scientific publications, chapters, and abstracts, including groundbreaking articles on the critical role of the microbiome in chronic lung diseases. 

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