Incyte and China Medical System Sign a Collaboration & License Agreement for Povorcitinib Use in Autoimmune and Inflammatory Dermatologic Indications


Under the collaboration, CMS gains an exclusive license for developing & commercializing plus a non-exclusive license for manufacturing povorcitinib to treat non-segmental vitiligo, HS, PN, asthma & CSU across mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & certain Southeast Asian regions
Incyte will receive an up front payment, development & commercial milestones plus net-sales-based royalties for the product across these regions
Povorcitinib (oral), a small molecule targeting JAK1, is currently under P-III assessment to treat non-segmental vitiligo and HS across regions excl. China and under P-II evaluation to treat PN, asthma & CSU

Ref: Incyte | Image: Incyte

Related News:- Incyte Highlights Results from the P-II Trial of Povorcitinib for the Treatment of Prurigo Nodularis at AAD’24

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