Philips & DoD Ink $10M Deal for AI-Wearable Disease Detection

What You Should Know:

  • The Department of Defense and Philips announced a $10M ​award​ to ​expand the readiness of our service members with the Rapid Assessment of Threat Exposure (RATE) AI wellness tool.
  • The first group in this new cohort are the​Air Force First Sergeants, who are responsible for overall squadron health and wellness.
  • RATE is an AI algorithm, trained on clinical data from hospital-acquired infections to work with any off-the-shelf wearable to detect possible infection, acting like a “check engine light” for your body. By measuring 164 different biomarkers in the body, research shows the RATE algorithm can effectively detect infection as early as six days prior to diagnostic testing, with an average of 2.3 days.   
  • The plan is for RATE to be device agnostic, but the current deployment of wearables will include Garmin watches and Oura rings. As the Philips-DIU team continues to prove out the new dataflow, the effort aims to add three additional popular wearable devices. The 11,000 former RATE users will also be able to re-affiliate with the projects if they still have the hardware.