Whitmer extends coronavirus orders for Michigan grocery stores, pharmacies and nursing homes

Whitmer extends coronavirus orders for Michigan grocery stores, pharmacies and nursing homes

Thu, 08/13/2020 – 02:30

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has again extended coronavirus safety measures for grocery stores, pharmacies, and nursing homes in the state. Grocery stores and pharmacies must continue to offer 2 hours of shopping time per week for populations most vulnerable to the coronavirus. They must also notify coworkers if an employee tests positive for coronavirus and offer lower risk jobs in their stores or a leave of absence to employees most at risk of serious illness from coronavirus. Nursing homes and long-term care facilities are required to maintain strong infection control measures and limit entry into their facilities. Nursing homes also must not evict residents or take punitive action against employees who stay home with coronavirus symptoms. All of the measures will stay in effect until September 7.