CATCHem Before They Fall Through the Cracks: Implementation of a Comprehensive Atherosclerosis Treatment Collaborative Health System Transition of Care Multidisciplinary Clinic

Introduction: Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a common atherosclerotic cardiovascular (CV) disease that increases the risk for fatal and non-fatal CV events. Guidelines for the treatment of PAD recommend that in addition to necessary revascularization, general CV prevention with optimal medical therapy is of utmost importance and management is recommended to be multidisciplinary. While the prevalence of PAD in various practices is high, physician awareness of the PAD diagnosis is relatively low and the pharmacological component of preventative CV care is often underutilized resulting in patients receiving less intensive treatment. With new pharmacological agents, including advances in antithrombotic therapy, contributing to the best medical practice in the treatment of PAD, the role of the pharmacist in the multidisciplinary team is becoming more vital and has documented success in improving patient outcomes.

Methods: The CATCHem (Comprehensive Atherosclerosis Treatment Collaborative Health System) program consists of multiple disciplines that specialize in the management of various facets of atherosclerotic disease. The objective of this study is to assess the development of a pharmacist-led component of CATCHem on patient outcomes and to describe the processes required in the implementation of the program. The pharmacist will be responsible for enrolling and tracking patients, ensuring glycemic, hypertensive, and lipid control measures in addition to monitoring the use of low-dose rivaroxaban in the appropriate patients.

Results: The models, algorithms, tracking system and order sets will be described once developed and implemented.

Conclusions: Patient outcomes, results and conclusions will be defined after implementation. Findings are to be presented.