Agriculture and forestry: the impact of digital technology on worker safety and health

Agriculture and forestry: the impact of digital technology on worker safety and health


Robotic harvesters, weed zapping machines, automatic irrigation systems — new technology is revolutionising agriculture and forestry practices, but it’s important that risk assessment keeps pace.

Digitalisation has the benefit of decreasing manual workload — and health problems such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) — but may bring its own problems, such as an increase in monotonous and lone working.

A new policy brief looks at the potential of digital technology to improve occupational safety and health (OSH)  in this sector — and the risks that could emerge if its introduction is not managed effectively.

Check out the policy brief on the impact of new technologies on agriculture and forestry

Take a look at previous policy briefs on other OSH issues facing the agriculture and forestry sector

Find out more in the EU-OSHA report on the future of agriculture and forestry and OSH