Blog Switchover In Progress

So this will be the last post here until sometime next week, as the entire Science site does a behind-the-scenes changeover to a new publishing platform. Redirects from all old links to the previous posts should be in place on the re-emergence, along with a new look to the blog, a new commenting system, and new blog-writing software back here on this end. Here’s hoping everything goes as planned, and I’ll see everyone on the other side. I’m taking this as an opportunity for a late-summer break, and that’s no bad thing, either, to be honest.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter (@Dereklowe) will see updates on when posting will resume, as I get them. As I understand it, the team is waiting for me to post this morning so the first bit of the process can start, so I’ll get off the stage now!

The post Blog Switchover In Progress first appeared on In the Pipeline.