Can Diabetes be Reversed by Following Diet & Healthy Lifestyle?

When it comes to reversing diabetes, let’s clear that out that its Diabetes Type 2 that is reversible and not Type 1.

But what makes us all wonder is If Diabetes Type 2 really reversible? Or it’s just a myth or saying?

The truth is even though there is no cure for diabetes, Type 2 diabetes can be reversed in some people by making lifestyle changes.

Before divulging straight into the topic, let’s clear out some basics about Diabetes so you can have clear insight about what reversing diabetes exactly means.

What is Diabetes? What are its Different Types?

Diabetes is a condition when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or the body is unable to effectively use the insulin. It’s a serious medical condition.

There are 3 types of diabetes: Diabetes Type 1, Type 2 & Gestational Diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder and often starts in childhood. It occurs because the pancreas are unable to make insulin.

Diabetes Type 2 happens due to unhealthy lifestyle and obesity.

More and more teenagers are getting diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes due to their sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.

Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy and is temporary. But if not taken care of, it can lead to complications in pregnancy.

With the basics of diabetes covered, let’s move forward to our next topic.

Can Diabetes Type 2 be Reversed?

The concept of reversing diabetes actually means a significant long-term improvement in insulin sensitivity in people with Diabetes Type 2.

Which means that their insulin levels stay in control for a long time, without taking the diabetes medication.

It is also called as putting diabetes into remission.

And because obesity is the most common cause of Type 2 Diabetes, losing weight is the key in reversing diabetes Type 2. 

So, by making a few lifestyle changes, one can get rewarding results in terms of reversing diabetes.

The Role of Diet & Nutrition in Reversing Diabetes

The lifestyle changes that contributes to diabetes reversal includes a healthy eating plan and exercise.

Did you know that Carbohydrates raises the blood sugar levels, to some degree?

Therefore, diet low in Carbohydrate is known for lowering the body’s insulin resistance.

According to a study by the Second University of Naples, a low-carbohydrate Mediterranean diet provides significant rates of remission in people with type 2 diabetes.

Also, diet low in glycemic index foods (i.e. foods low in sugars) also helps in maintain blood sugar levels.

Low glycemic index foods include processed foods, high in carbohydrates, sugars, or animal fat. 

Examples of such food includes:

  • Breads
  • Chips
  • Sweets
  • Pasta
  • Crackers
  • Desserts. Etc.

Also, the only macro nutrient that most people mistake as unhealthy and avoid most of the time is FAT! 

And let me tell you that it actually helps keep your blood sugar stable.

So, to compensate for avoiding the carbohydrates, make sure to include healthy fats in your diet like:

  • Nuts
  • Avocados
  • Omega 3 fats
  • Flax seed
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Whole eggs.

There is no doubt that diet plays an important role in reversing diabetes Type 2 and the concept of reversing diabetes is actually true and possible!!!

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