5 Nutrition & Diet Tips to Keep your Kidney Healthy & Functioning

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your kidney/kidneys stops working? Not Really, Right?

But you all definitely must have had the same thought when it comes to your heart or lungs.

You must be wondering why I am asking all this.

The point being that we don’t as in general put a lot of thought to our kidney healthy, except for the people who have a kidney problem.

And that’s not fair to your health and to your kidneys.

Especially people who are dealing with a kidney problem, they must put a lot of thought as on how can they help make their kidneys healthy and functioning.

That’s where this blog came, so as to guide you through diet and nutrition tips, on maintaining your kidney health.

Read more to get the pointers on how to keep your kidney healthy.

5 Effective Diet Tricks That Helps Keep Your Kidney healthy Function Smoothly

For people who have Chronic Kidney disease or any kidney related problem, it is very important for them to monitor what they eat and drink.

Even though they are a small organ, kidneys perform many important functions like it filters the waste products, balances fluids in the body, produces urine, etc.

So, don’t just ignore your kidney healthy and keep them healthy by following the below diet and nutrition tips:

#1 Stop Yourself from Adding Salt to Your Food When Eating

The most effective way by which a kidney disease can be prevented or slowed down is by managing high blood pressure and diabetes.

These two are the leading causes of kidney diseases.

And you can definitely manage your high blood pressure levels by reducing your intake of salt and sodium.

The best way is to stop adding extra salt to your food when eating and use spices, herbs, or sodium free condiments, to replace salt.

Also, before eating rinse the canned foods like vegetables, meats, beans, etc.

#2 Eat Low Potassium Foods and Drinks

As long as your kidneys are functioning and healthy, they themselves remove the phosphorus your body don’t need.

But, if you have any kidney disorder or CKD then, your phosphorus levels can get too high. Which puts you on the risk of heart diseases.

So, if very important to keep your potassium levels in check and avoid foods that are high in potassium.

Instead you should go for foods like:

  • Fruits, such as, grapes, pineapple, cranberries, strawberries, and Apple
  • Veggies like pepper, radish, Cauliflower, summer squash, onions, lettuce, etc.
  • Beef and chicken
  • White rice, white breads, Pita, tortillas, etc.

#3 Go for the Right Type of Protein and In the Right Quantity

No doubt that proteins are the building block of the body and are needed for the growth and development of the body.

But, a diet high in protein makes the kidneys work harder and put a strain on kidney health.

So, both the kind of protein and its amount is a necessary factor to consider when you’re looking after your kidney health.

You should avoid high protein foods like red meat, poultry, eggs, and fish.

And include low protein foods in your diet like fruits, veggies, bread, pasta, and rice.

#4 Foods to Go For & Foods to Look Out for

Even though all of the foods are good for health when taken in moderate quantities, but while concerning a particular problem, there are some foods that contributes more to the problem than others.

That’s the same with kidney problems.

The Best Foods for People with Kidney Disease include:

  • Blueberries
  • Cauliflower
  • Olive oil
  • Eggs White
  • Onion
  • Bell Peppers
  • Pineapple
  • Radish
  • Cranberries, etc.

But, there are some foods that are not good for kidney health, especially for those who have a kidney problem.

The foods that should be avoided are:

  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Raw carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Soda
  • Processed meat
  • Frozen meals
  • Butter, etc.

#5 Focus on Foods that helps Keep your Heart Healthy

The purpose of going for heart healthy foods is to prevent the fat build-up in the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels.

So, include heart healthy foods in your diet like, lean cuts of meat, poultry without the skin, beans, veggies, fruits, low fat cheese or yoghurt, etc.

Also, instead of going for deep frying, opt grilling, baking, roasting, stir fry, and broil, to cook your foods.

That way, both your heart as well as kidneys stay healthy and promotes better functioning of them.

This is all for this blog on how to maintain your kidney health.

Make sure that you consult your doctor before trying anything new.

I hope that you guys find this blog interesting and helpful and if you do then, like and share it with others.

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