Idaho State College of Pharmacy helps supply Idaho pharmacies with rapid COVID-19 testing equipment

Idaho State College of Pharmacy helps supply Idaho pharmacies with rapid COVID-19 testing equipment

Sat, 11/14/2020 – 07:30

Starting in early October, certain community pharmacies in Idaho began providing, enhanced, rapid response COVID-19 testing services to state residents. The COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing Expansion Program seeks to expand existing capacity for coronavirus testing across Idaho by providing rapid antigen point-of-care testing, as well as self-administered nasal swab sample collection. Grant funds from the Idaho Board of Pharmacy enabled the ISU College of Pharmacy to purchase new equipment for up to 30 participating community pharmacies. The equipment allows pharmacies to conduct on-demand testing that provides results within 15 minutes. Citizens who have experienced symptoms within 5 days of seeking testing will be eligible to receive a rapid antigen test. All other individuals will be tested via a self-administered nasal swab, and samples will be transferred to an in-state laboratory for analysis and reporting. Patients who test negative on the point-of-care testing will also be given a confirmatory nasal swab test, with results available in 48-72 hours. Participating pharmacies will bill Idaho Medicaid for service delivery and sample collection. In the initial phase, the rapid antigen tests are free to the patient because they are covered by grant funding; but patients may need to pay up to $95 for lab-based swab analysis, depending on their insurance status.