Influenza vaccines available at Stop & Shop pharmacies in NJ and other northern states

Influenza vaccines available at Stop & Shop pharmacies in NJ and other northern states

Thu, 08/27/2020 – 10:00

Stop & Shop is making influenza vaccinations available at its more than 250 pharmacy locations across New Jersey and other states in the northeastern Unites States. Stop & Shop is securing additional stock of influenza vaccine and bracing for heightened demand due to COVID-19. Stop & Shop offers several types of influenza vaccines, and its pharmacists can help each patient select the type that is best for them to address any concerns about allergies, preservatives, or potential adverse effects. The company has additionally retooled its health and safety protocols for vaccinations at its pharmacies. Customers are required to wear a face covering, and pharmacists will have masks, gloves and face shields. The company says its immunization area will have strict disinfecting and sanitization measures in place between each patient.