Introducing vocational students to the principles of occupational health and safety

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Introducing vocational students to the principles of occupational health and safety

Event Details

Athens and online


Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs



Mainstreaming occupational safety and health best practices into vocational education can improve employment prospects, ensure that workers are aware of risks in the workplace and make the working environment safer and healthier for all.

The Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, in cooperation with The Directorate of Secondary Education of Western Attica, are organising an online training seminar for students from vocational night schools and their teachers to introduce them to basic occupational safety and health principles. The seminar highlights the importance of health and safety at work and offers tips on how to integrate them into vocational training.

Attendees learn about common occupational hazards and how to conduct a successful risk assessment and are introduced to EU-OSHA’s animated character, Napo. Speakers also present the OiRA programme and tools, and the importance of their use in schools, as well as highlighting the current EU-OSHA campaign, Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load, which focuses on the prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

The event is especially useful for students from the vocational night school who are interested in improving their professional status after graduation, as well as their teachers and educational coordinators.


  • Dr Georgios Gourzoulidis PhD, from the Department of the Centre for OSH Research and OSH Measurements for the Determination of the Detrimental OSH Factors at the Directorate for Health and Safety at Work, Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
  • Dr loannis Konstantakopoulos, Head of the Department & OSH Promotion Policies at the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs – Directorate of Safety & Health at Work



