Join the Free Plant-Based Living Series

Our Plant-Based Living Series is a free ten-week email program full of simplified takeaways and actionable tips on healthy eating in the new year. Whether you’re new to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle or would benefit from reminders on some of the key aspects of healthy evidence-based nutrition, this series is for you. Each week, you will receive an email on topics like: dining by traffic light, nutritional considerations and concerns, disease prevention, and even a brand-new menu planning tool. Sign up here and share this new free resource with friends and family who are exploring plant-based eating in 2022.


Give the Gift of a Special Message

For Valentine’s Day, I’m recording personal video messages again! The first 50 people who donate $200 or more using this form will be able to send in a personalized script that I’ll record for you or your loved one. 





Key Takeaways: Microbiome

Day in and day out, trillions of good bacteria work in our gut, metabolizing, detoxifying, and activating important nutrients in our food. How do we keep these gut bugs happy so they help keep us healthy? Check out the videos on the microbiome topic page




Recipe: Southwest Quinoa Stew

One way to support your microbiome is with the quinoa, beans, and sweet potatoes in this Southwest Quinoa Stew. Get the free recipe here, and watch a video of how it’s made on our Instagram.





2021 in Review

Thank you for all of your support in 2021. To see what we accomplished last year, check out our 2021 Year in Review report. Highlights include launching our new outreach program that provided 5,000 free copies of our Evidence-Based Eating Guide to health professionals, expanding our team, hitting more than 30 million video views, and reaching a million hard copies sold of How Not to Die. Download the full report here.



Volunteer Spotlight: Cass Warbeck

“I’ve been a proud volunteer at NutritionFacts for many years now! I started on the article retrieval team and now respond to comments on the Facebook page and help out with video review. I find it rewarding to contribute to an organization that highlights and shares such important nutrition research. This information should be accessible to all, and I believe that one day whole food, plant-based nutrition will be a fundamental component of standard healthcare. By volunteering, I know that I’m helping manifest that change. 

I adore grapes and matcha! But one of my favourite recipes is a morning BROL bowl, based on Dr. Greger’s recipe, which has replaced standard oatmeal. I heat a cup of BROL with soy milk and then spice it with cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, and then add ground flaxseed, walnuts, amla powder, and blueberries. Top it with some hemp hearts, and you’ll be fueled for hours!



Top 3 Videos of the Month


Fresh plant based diet ingredients on light countertopPlant-Based Eating Score Put to the Test: How can you get a perfect diet score?




High fiber super foods with whole grain crackers, fruit, vegetables, whole wheat pasta, grains, and nutsHow to Heal a Leaky Gut with Diet: The recommended diet for leaky gut treatment. Which foods and food components can boost the integrity of our intestinal barrier?



picture of Dr. GregerFlashback Friday: Dr. Greger in the Kitchen—My New Favorite Beverage: I blend up a vegetable smoothie inspired by a recipe in The How Not to Die Cookbook.



In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.

PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live, year-in-review presentations: