Kroger Health debuts vaccine-scheduling solution

Kroger Health debuts vaccine-scheduling solution

Sat, 02/20/2021 – 00:30

Kroger Health has unveiled a new vaccine scheduling tool to enable consumers to easily and efficiently schedule COVID-19 vaccine appointments. The online tool can manage more than 250,000 requests per day and will indicate the number of vaccine doses confirmed with Kroger’s system. It will also let users verify their eligibility and make appointments as availability increases, including scheduling the first and second doses concurrently. Kroger Health President Colleen Lindholz said, “As more vaccines become available nationwide, our pharmacies and clinics will be ready and able to administer thousands of doses to our communities every day. Our new online scheduling tool and improved call center experience will allow us to easily scale to meet demand once more vaccine doses are available to Kroger Health.” The company said it administered more than 380,000 COVID-19 vaccines in 25 states as of February 16 to health care workers, skilled nursing facilities, older adult populations, educators, and eligible Kroger associates. Kroger Health also launched a vaccine call support center, secure online scheduling, and one-time payments of $100 for fully vaccinated Kroger associates.