Livemetric Receives the US FDA’s Clearance for LiveOne Blood Pressure Monitoring Technology


The company has received 510(k) clearance from the US FDA for LiveOne, a blood pressure monitoring technology for health systems, health insurers & self-insured employers to improve the care & treatment of people with hypertension & CV disease
LiveOne is a wrist-worn, cuff-free solution that combines MEMS nanosensors with AI algorithms for BP measurement. The device can be worn day or night, allowing for 24hr. logs of changes in BP by tracking the wrist’s radial artery without requiring separate calibrations
The LiveOne wearable is the first MEMS nano-sensor-based, CE & US FDA-cleared device with medical accuracy highly correlated to the arterial line. The device is intended to be used by adults aged ≥27yrs. in a clinical setting

Ref: PRNewswire | Image: Livemetric