Medical marijuana is not regulated as most medicines are

Medical marijuana is not regulated as most medicines are

Wed, 03/10/2021 – 10:00

Although medical marijuana is now sanctioned in 36 states plus the District of Columbia, its use is not regulated uniformly across those jurisdictions. In addition, critics say the industry lacks standardized cannabis therapeutics and is also missing the randomized clinical trials that help to establish a robust risk/benefit profile. They add that while medical marijuana may help in the management of conditions including epilepsy, cancer, and AIDS, it is often not applied exclusively for therapeutic purposes. “People are using a medical excuse for their recreational marijuana habit,” says Kenneth Finn, MD, a pain management specialist and author. Moreover, experts note the evidence to support use of medical marijuana is far from robust for some indications, including pain management and glaucoma. In fact, a review of the pros and cons of medicinal marijuana by Allison Karst, a psychiatric pharmacy specialist at V.A. Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, finds that cannabis can have “a negative effect on mental health and neurological function.” She noted in an email that the lack of regulation “leads to difficulty extrapolating available evidence to various products on the consumer market given the differences in chemical composition and purity,” and she urged the public to consider “both potential benefits and risks.”