Oxford BioDynamics Launches EpiSwitch CiRT Blood Test for the Treatment of Cancer in the UK


 The company launched CiRT clinical blood test which predicts a patient’s likely response to ICI therapies. The test will be     available to private healthcare providers in the UK as an LDT
 Across several ICIs from multiple pharmaceutical companies & 15+ oncological indications, the robust EpiSwitch qPCR     blood test has demonstrated best-in-class performance with high sensitivity (93%), specificity (82%), accuracy (85%) &   NPV of 93%
 CiRT provides a physician with immediate, personalized guidance on expected efficacy, allowing them to make a more   informed decision to begin or continue treatment. This expansion to the UK was based on early uptake of EpiSwitch CiRT   by early adopters in the US, first launched as an LDT in Feb 2022

Ref: Bussinesswire | Image: Oxford BioDynamics