A Pakistan National Underwent Kidney Transplant in Turkey

Mr Fareed Khan, a 40-year-old Pakistan national, was suffering from polycystic kidney disease and was looking to get a kidney transplant. Mr Fareed decided that the best treatment for him would be available abroad and decided to pursue overseas surgery options. He came across MediGence and one of his relatives contacted us by sending an enquiry form.

At MediGence, our case manager got in touch with them and received all his records and after seeing all the documents, the best possible hospital and doctor was carefully selected keeping Mr Fareed’s financial constraint in mind. Mr Fareed decided that Medicana Camlica Hospital, Istanbul -Turkey and Dr. Murat Tuncer (nephrologist) Dr. Volkan Turunc (surgeon) would be the best fit for him.

Mr Fareed travelled to Istanbul on the 23rd August 2020. He was accompanied by a related donor, as well as an family member who served as an attendant for them.

After reaching the hospital, the patient’s medical records were assessed by the doctors and experts at the hospital. The pre-transplantation tests for the patient and the donor initiated the same day of the arrival.

Mr Fareed was told that his kidney was not functioning properly, and a transplant needed to be done at the earliest. Once all the tests were completed, their case was passed by the ethics committee in Turkey for transplantation and thereafter, the surgery was carried out. The procedure was a success and he gradually started to recover. He stayed for around 30 days in the country and was able to make a full recovery. He spent around 12 days in the hospital after the surgery so that he could recover properly.

MediGence assisted them throughout their journey, from selecting the accommodation options to booking appointments and scheduling the surgery. Mr Fareed was impressed with the medical treatment he received at the Medicana Camlica Hospital, Istanbul -Turkey. He was also very satisfied with the hospital staff and the clinical team.

He thanked MediGence for their vital role in helping him treat his condition and receiving the best treatment. Apart from receiving expert help in selecting the doctor, hospital and country to get the transplant done, he was also provided with many additional facilities such as filing visa applications, Hospital Transfer Co-ordination, Airport Pick-up Co-ordination, Hospital Appointment Co-ordination and Follow-up visits as well.

Team MediGence wishes Mr Fareed a very happy and healthy future.

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