Prior pneumonia cases may pose unseen COVID dangers, Harvard study finds

Prior pneumonia cases may pose unseen COVID dangers, Harvard study finds

Tue, 02/09/2021 – 17:30

A study out of Harvard University identifies a past bout with pneumonia as a robust risk factor for severe COVID-19 disease and death. Researchers say older age is the top predictor, but that pneumonia holds second place. A single previous episode does not itself elevate risk, they report; however, pneumonia likely is a problem when linked to an undiagnosed underlying condition such as interstitial lung disease or COPD. To help flag these high-risk patients, lead investigator Hossein Estiri points to machine-learning analysis of mortality patterns. Educating people about their risk level based on existing comorbidities could also help get vaccines to vulnerable populations, adds study co-author Shawn Murphy. “Let’s get people to self-identify and get to the vaccine clinics,” Murphy says. “Let them understand that they need the vaccine and vote with their feet.” The study findings, based on review of medical records for nearly 17,000 patients, are published in NPJ Digital Medicine.