THCB Gang Episode 16

Episode 16 of “The THCB Gang” was on Thursday, July 2nd! You can see the video below!

Joining Matthew Holt were some of our regulars: patient safety expert Michael Millenson (MLMillenson), MD & hospital system exec Rajesh Aggarwal (@docaggarwal), health care consultant Daniel O’Neill (@dp_oneill), and our guest Marcus Whitney (@MarcusWhitney), CEO of Health Further & author of the new book Create and Orchestrate (You can email Matthew for a free signed copy, or get it on Kindle for 99 cents) We talked about the current rise in cases, how we get changes around race (and a lot more) moving in health care and what the future of care will potentially look like if we do.

If you’d rather listen, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels — Zoya Khan