Whole Food Plant-Based Brownies? Yes!

A couple months ago, I emailed a recipe for Oatmeal Cookie Dough Bites, and they were such a hit that I wanted to share another healthy sweet treat. These brownie cookies have a date-sweetened creamy filling and are a great way to get a serving of beans—yes! beans!—while satisfying a sweet tooth. Check out the recipe here, and watch a video on how they’re made on our Instagram.


Help Us Spread the Health

There’s still time to help us send 12,500 free copies of our Evidence-Based Eating Guide to health care practitioners in all 50 states. Just $20 allows us to print and ship 16 copies of the guide to a doctor’s office, hospital, or health clinic. With increased publishing and shipping costs, we’d be even more grateful for your help in getting them directly into the hands of the very people whose lives can be changed with our practical guide to healthy eating.

Please consider making a donation to help us spread the health! 


Key Takeaways: Autism

April is World Autism Month. Many families with a child on the autism spectrum pursue dietary and nutritional approaches as components of treatment. There are some dietary interventions that appear to be successful in helping to manage the troublesome symptoms of autism. One is sulforaphane, which is formed almost exclusively in cruciferous vegetables. Check out the topic page for a summary and a list of all of my autism videos, including Alternative Treatments for Autism and Best Foods for Autism.



Flashback Fridays Get a Refresh

Flashback Fridays are becoming Friday Favorites. I love resharing oldie-but-goodie videos for people who may have missed them the first time around, and those videos are getting a new look starting in May. 

Top 3 Videos of the Month

assorted fruit and nuts


Why Don’t People Eat Healthier? The so-called optimism bias may get in the way of a healthy lifestyle.



wooden bowls containing legumes and grainsHow to Boost FGF21 with Diet for Longevity Fasting and exercise can boost the longevity hormone FGF21, but what can we eat—or avoid eating—to get similar effects?




a pile of fresh foods on a grey counterHow to Keep Your Microbiome Healthy with Prebiotic Foods We co-evolved a symbiosis with our good gut bacteria, but we are not holding up our end of the bargain.




In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.

PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live, year-in-review presentations: