Evaluating Home Care’s Progress in Medicare Advantage

Many of the in-home supplemental benefits offered by Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are new. But whether they are through the primarily health-related pathway, which began in 2019, or through Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI), which came a year later, these benefits are still being experimented with.

Generally, the plans offering these new benefits are what you’d call “early adopters,” and maybe even “innovators,” if we’re assigning labels based on Everett Rogers’ “Diffusion of Innovations” theory.

With the newest SSBCI data for 2022 coming out last week, I thought it’d be a good time to evaluate where the home care industry is at with its entry into the MA world. One key takeaway: While plenty of plans have dipped their toes in the water on new home-focussed supplemental benefits, others are diving in head first.

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